Translated by
Nicola Mira
Aug 24, 2016
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Yoox Net-A-Porter puts Bruno-Roland Bernard in charge of communications

Translated by
Nicola Mira
Aug 24, 2016

The online fashion and luxury goods sales group consisting of the twin entities Yoox and Net-A-Porter redesigned its top management after the two companies merged. It has also reorganised its communications department, hiring Bruno-Roland Bernard from LVMH, where he worked as Group Communications Director since 2006.

Bruno-Roland Bernard

He was replaced at LVMH by Hélène Freyss, until now in charge of communications at the Hennessy subsidiary.
Bruno-Roland Bernard was appointed Group Communications Director at Yoox Net-A-Porter (YNAP) in March, in charge of corporate and financial communications. He is tasked with devising the entire group's communications strategies, with their implementation and with supervising the coordination and collaboration among the communications teams of the different websites within the YNAP galaxy.

The appointment confirms the high-end positioning of the London and Milan-based group. Bruno-Roland Bernard is very experienced in luxury goods, having spent 10 years at LVMH, but also in finance and industry, having worked for major corporations such as Valeo, Vivendi et Paribas.

The hard core of the communications team now reporting directly to Bruno-Roland Bernard consists of Alba D'Amico, in charge of corporate and internal communications at YNAP in Milan, and of Julia Zaretti (group communications manager) and Natasha Jacobs (group brand relations manager) within the Net-A-Porter Group in London.

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